/*rcs11*/ var globalTitle; var globalLineup; var numberPlayers = 0; var globalFlash; var onPlay0; var onPlay1; var onPlay2; var onPlay3; var onPlay4; var onPlay5; var onPlay6; var onPlay7; var onPlay8; var onPlay9; var onPlay10; var onPlay11; var playersArr = new Array(); function onTemplateLoaded(message) { //alert("brightcove player loaded with message "+message); for(var i = 0; i <= playerIndex; i++) { var thisId; if (config["flashId"] == undefined) { thisId = "flashObj" + i; } else { thisId = escapeValue(config["flashId"]) + i; } numberPlayers++; playersArr.push(thisId); var func = new Function("evt", "globalFlash = '"+thisId+"'; callFlashInstance(globalFlash, 'getCurrentTitle');"); eval("onPlay"+i+" = func;"); callFlashInstance(thisId, "addEventListener", "streamStart", "onPlay"+i+""); // callFlash("addEventListener", "streamStart", "onPlay"+i+""); } } function onPlay(evt) { callFlash("getCurrentTitle"); } function getCurrentTitle_Result(obj) { // alert("current title playing is "+obj.displayName); globalTitle = obj; if(typeof(obj.lineupId) == 'undefined' || obj.lineupId == null) { callFlashInstance(globalFlash, "getPlayerLineups"); } else { callFlashInstance(globalFlash, "getLineupById", obj.lineupId); } } function getPlayerLineups_Result(obj) { var thisThing = obj; var lineupFound = false; for(var i = 0; i < obj.length && !lineupFound; i++) { lineupFound = searchArray(obj[i].videoIds, globalTitle.id); if(lineupFound) globalLineup = obj[i]; } getLineupById_Result(globalLineup) } function getLineupById_Result(obj) { globalLineup = obj; if(typeof(s_siteName) != 'undefined') { callMetricsG(globalTitle, obj); } else if(typeof(s_coxnews) != 'undefined') { callMetricsH(globalTitle, obj); } } function callMetricsG(title, lineup) { s_channel = ""; s_pageType = ""; s_prop13 = s_siteName + " | Media Player | "+lineup.displayName+" | "+title.displayName; // s_hier3 = s_siteName.toUpperCase() +"|mediaplyer|brightcove|"+lineup.displayName+"|"+title.id+"|"+title.displayName; s_hier3 = "cxnt:"+s_siteName +":content:mediaplayer:brightcove:"+lineup.displayName+":"+title.id+":"+title.displayName; clearEvarsG(); s_pageName = "http://"+document.location.host+document.location.pathname+"/bclid="+lineup.id+"/bctid="+title.id; s_gs("coxnetmasterglobal"); } function clearEvarsG() { if(typeof(s_prop10) != 'undefined') s_prop10 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop11) != 'undefined') s_prop11 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop12) != 'undefined') s_prop12 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop14) != 'undefined') s_prop14 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop15) != 'undefined') s_prop15 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop16) != 'undefined') s_prop16 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop17) != 'undefined') s_prop17 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop18) != 'undefined') s_prop18 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop19) != 'undefined') s_prop19 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop20) != 'undefined') s_prop20 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop21) != 'undefined') s_prop21 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop22) != 'undefined') s_prop22 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop23) != 'undefined') s_prop23 = ""; if(typeof(s_prop24) != 'undefined') s_prop24 = ""; } function callMetricsH(title, lineup) { cx_channel = ""; s_coxnews.pageType = ""; s_coxnews.prop13 = cx_siteName + " | Media Player | "+lineup.displayName+" | "+title.displayName; // s_hier3 = s_siteName.toUpperCase() +"|mediaplyer|brightcove|"+lineup.displayName+"|"+title.id+"|"+title.displayName; s_coxnews.hier3 = cx_siteName +"|MEDIAPLAYER|brightcove|"+lineup.displayName+"|"+title.id+"|"+title.displayName; s_coxnews.pageName = "http://"+document.location.host+document.location.pathname+"/bclid="+lineup.id+"/bctid="+title.id; clearEvarsH(); s_coxnews.t("coxnetmasterglobal"); } function clearEvarsH() { if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop10) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop10 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop11) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop11 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop12) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop12 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop14) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop14 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop15) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop15 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop16) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop16 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop17) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop17 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop18) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop18 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop19) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop19 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop20) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop20 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop21) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop21 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop22) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop22 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop23) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop23 = ""; if(typeof(s_coxnews.prop24) != 'undefined') s_coxnews.prop24 = ""; } function searchArray(arr, value) { var rval = false; for(var j = 0; j < arr.length && !rval; j++) { //this is the downside of loosely typed variables rval = (arr[j] - 0) == (value - 0); } return rval; } function getQueryString() { var q = location.search.substring(1); if (q != "") { if(!(q.indexOf("bcpid") >= 0) || !(q.indexOf("bctid") >= 0)) { s_coxnews.t("coxnetmasterglobal"); } } else { s_coxnews.t("coxnetmasterglobal"); } }